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How Aleutian Housing Authority Was Created
The creation of Alaska Native Regional Housing Authorities was authorized by Alaska statute in July, 1971. (See AS 18.55.995-18.55.998.) Fourteen (14) housing authorities were authorized to be organized, primarily along the lines of the ANCSA corporation regional boundaries. The regional Native non-profit organizations were granted authority to form the new entities and establish each of the respective board of commissioners which govern each housing authority. Other than appointing commissioners, the regional non-profits do not play a role in the actual operations of the housing authorities. Such operations are governed by the board of commissioners who operate under independent bylaws.

Live in the region and need housing?
Akutan Low Rent
Currently, Aleutian Housing Authority (AHA) manages 294 units in 10 rural communities which are located in the Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Region and employs approximately 25-50 staff at any given time. In addition to being the primary provider of affordable housing services in the region, AHA works hard to create employment and job training opportunities, promote regional economic development, assists in the development of community infrastructure and act generally as a progressive and positive influence to advance regional interests and development.
Home Page
AHA does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Americans with Disabilities Acts and provides equal housing opportunities as applicable.

Aleutian Housing Authority (c) 2018-2024


Housing Services/HomeOwnership
Melissa Robbins
Isabel Velez

Construction & Weatherization
Jorge Simmons
Shannon Reynaga

To email a team member, click on the name below
Atka, Alaska
Aleutian Housing Authority

The housing authorities are unique entities and while affiliated with other regional organizations and tribal governments, are not tribal entities, but statutorily-created public corporations of the state, which do not possess the various attributes of tribal status such as sovereign immunity. While they are state instrumentalities, they are not state agencies and have a statutory existence independent of state government.

The legislature found that an acute shortage of housing and related facilities existed in the villages of the state. Adequate housing could not be provided by the private sector due to the economic depression that existed in most villages of the state. It was the purpose and intent of the legislature to provide a means for certain Native associations to form public corporations with the powers and duties comparable to the Alaska State Housing Authority[1] for the specific purpose of implementing the President's National Indian Program for Indian Housing, under which the State of Alaska's share was initially 1200 new homes in 1972, in the remote housing program.

AHA does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Americans with Disabilities Acts and provides equal housing opportunities as applicable..