Phone 907-563-2146
in the Region 1-800-478-5614
Working in
Aleutian Housing Authority
Akutan Low Rent
Atka - Single-Family House
AHFC Professional Duplex - Ptarmigan 2
Atka - the old house, just down the hill
Atka New Construction - on with the siding
AHFC funded Professional Duplex - Teamwork in action
False Pass Elder Rehab - a before look
False Pass Elder Rehab in the making
King Cove - Ground Source Heat
Unalaska, Alaska  |New Single Family Home
Unalaska Single-Family Home
Current Assisted Stock (CAS) rehabs
4-Plex Interior Rehabs

APIA Rehabilitation Housing

Sand Point
Current Assisted Stock (CAS)
HAF Home Repairs

Current Assisted Stock (CAS)

False Pass
Current Assisted Stock (CAS)

St. George Island
Current Assisted Stock (CAS)

King Cove
Low Rent 12 - Plex Maintenance
HAF Home Repairs

St. Paul Island
Senior Center Maintenance
10-Plex Unit Maintenance

Nelson Lagoon
Current Assisted Stock (CAS)


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Stabilized Rammed Earth Project (SRE)
Palmer, Alaska

If designed correctly a rammed earth home can lower heating and cooling bills substantially. More and more people are discovering the benefits of living in a home that is not only friendlier to the environment, but healthier, more durable and more cost effective as well. 
Construction Activity &Project Gallery
AHA does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Americans with Disabilities Acts and provides equal housing opportunities as applicable.  

Unalaska Senior Center Unit Rehabs

 Yes, rammed earth homes cost more to build initially, but the savings in utility bills lasts for a lifetime. What is greener than earth? Check out the video of our Rammed Earth Project.

Home Page
Aleutian Housing Authority (c) 2018-2025

Housing Services/HomeOwnership
Melissa Robbins
Isabel Velez
Construction & Weatherization 
Jorge Simmons
Shannon Reynaga

AHA does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Americans with Disabilities Acts and provides equal housing opportunities as applicable.