Phone 907-563-2146
in the Region 1-800-478-5614
AHA operates under the direction of a 5-member Board of Commissioners (BOC)which consists of individuals selected by the tribes and confirmed by APIA, the regional non-profit. The size of the board and the term limits are established by state statute. Each Commissioner serves a three year term and Commissioner seats rotate between the 12-member regional tribes. The BOC in turn appoints an Executive Director, who is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization.
Aleutian & Pribilof Islands Region
Native Village of Nelson Lagoon
Rudolph Demoski, Vice Chair
Marie Schliebe, Commissioner
Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
Aleutian Housing Authority
Nancy Zaochney, Commissioner
Pribilof Island Aleut Community of St. George
Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
Samantha McNeley, Secretary/Treasurer
AHA does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Americans with Disabilities Acts and provides equal housing opportunities as applicable.
Aleutian Housing Authority (c) 2018-2024
Housing Services/HomeOwnership
Construction & Weatherization