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Aleutian Housing Authority
Crime Prevention Program
Eligible Activities
The CPP program is designed as a “match program".  Matching tribal NAHASDA Needs with AHA NAHASDA CAS funds to provide services and activities designed to deter youth from criminal, drug and alcohol or other related negative lifestyle choices. Tribes that elect to participate have the opportunity to submit a brief CPP program narrative and associated budget justification, explaining what kind of services or activities they would like to fund. AHA will match up to a maximum of $3,000, with a $3,000 commitment from the tribal participant, giving each tribe a maximum total program budget of $6,000.

AHA match funds are provided on a “Use it or Lose it” basis. Funds will be made available upon receipt of the fiscal year NAHASDA disbursement and must be utilized within a 12-month period.  

AHA has established a process to give each tribal council an opportunity to participate in creating some crime prevention programs and activities within their communities by following these steps:

The tribe will be able to designate a dollar amount from their NAHASDA Needs funds up to the allowable maximum of $3,000 through an authorization letter signed by the tribal president or a tribal resolution. Funds will be advanced up front, but each year's program must be properly closed out and certified by AHA staff to be in compliance with these program rules prior to a subsequent award being made.

Each tribe that participates in this program must submit a program narrative and associated budget justification, which must reflect expenditures on an allowable NAHASDA eligible activity. AHA will review and provide a notice back to the tribe within fifteen (15) days as to the acceptance or rejection of the submission. If a tribe has an active Boys & Girls Club or Boy or Girl Scout Troop within their community, they will be encouraged to continue funding these programs, but this is a tribal decision. A letter of authorization or a tribal resolution will still be required confirming the allocation of funds to a third party organization. All CPP rules that would otherwise apply to the tribe will apply to the designated third party organization. 

The Aleutian Housing Authority Crime Prevention Program (CPP) is designed to allow our tribal partners to develop and implement programs that provide the opportunities to address crime prevention or other related activities aimed at youth (targeted specifically to NAHASDA eligible youth), to promote healthier and safer lifestyles. The program offers flexibility to address the needs of each member community on an individual basis.
For more information, simply fill out the "Request Information" 
Program Description and Implementation

All programs or activities must be designed to educate and deter kids from negative lifestyle choices such as criminal activity or drug and alcohol abuse. The activities listed below are some examples of acceptable uses of CPP program funds:

Hosting of Sports Camps, offering scholarships for attendance. 
  • Buying Athletic Equipment. 
  • Offers of Scholarships for Youth Conferences. 
  • Purchasing equipment or materials for Village Police or Police Officers that would help in the deterrence of criminal behavior such a drug and alcohol abuse. 
  • Purchasing of equipment or materials for youth activities. 
  • Organized Clubs such as Boys & Girls Clubs, or Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, scholarships for associated activities such as camps. 
  • Funding costs for Cultural Camps. 
Participants Eligibility Requirements
Individual CPP participants must qualify under the following requirements:

  • Alaska Native/American Indian or 
  • A resident of affordable housing or 
  • A resident that qualifies under HUD established income limits of up to the 80% of median income. 

Preference will be given to members and direct descendants of AHA regional tribes.

A participant list will be completed by the program administrator to ensure participant eligibility. This list will be reviewed by AHA for a compliance at the completion of the program.

Documentation Requirements of Grant Recipients / Service Providers
All grant recipients must comply with the following documentation requirements:

  • Submission of a program or activity participant list for certification of participant eligibility. 
  • Submission of documentation of program costs for each program or activity. 
  • Submission of reimbursement invoices and expense receipts, along with a brief description or activities or services provided with each payment request. 
  • For Boys & Girls Clubs, Boy or Girl Scout Troops, or other third party providers, a Sub Recipient Agreement must be executed between AHA and the designated recipient prior to the disbursement of any funds. The agreement must clearly define the roles and responsibilities of all participating parties. ​
Crime Prevention Brochure
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AHA does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Americans with Disabilities Acts and provides equal housing opportunities as applicable.  

Aleutian Housing Authority (c) 2018-2024


Housing Services/HomeOwnership
Melissa Robbins
Isabel Velez

Construction & Weatherization 
Jorge Simmons
Shannon Reynaga