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Wx Program
Making homes energy efficient as well as reduce energy costs, and making homes comfortable.
AHFC Weatherization Program
Currently the Wx program is limited funded for 2024. AHA is not accepting applications at this time as we address our waitlist. If the program is further funded in the future, we will open the application period to apply for this program.

Weatherization (Wx) is the science of making a dwelling more energy-efficient. Reduce energy consumption, reduce energy costs, and/or increased comfort and durability of the dwelling.

If you have any questions regarding how the program works or how to qualify or would like more information, please contact us:
Renovater Rights Brochure
Mold, Moisture, and Your Home
Know your rights before you renovate
A brief guide
Program funded by
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
Aleutian Housing Authority - Weatherization Applicants
Home Page
AHA does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Americans with Disabilities Acts and provides equal housing opportunities as applicable..

Aleutian Housing Authority (c) 2018-2024


Housing Services/HomeOwnership
Melissa Robbins
Isabel Velez

Construction & Weatherization
Jorge Simmons
Shannon Reynaga

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